Vallée de la Bruche
Alsace - Massif des Vosges - France

Musée Lalique

Accueil Musée Lalique
© D. Desaleux
Langue parlée - Allemand Langue parlée - Anglais Marque Qualité Tourisme Label Handicap Handicap auditif Handicap mental Handicap visuel Chèques vacances acceptés Parking Restauration sur place

Opened in July 2011, the Lalique Museum is unique in Europe. Situated in the village where René Lalique founded his factory in 1922, it pays homage to this genius of a designer as well as to his successors and the men and women who even today perpetuate the glassmaker’s know-how.
This is a permanent exhibition of exceptional collections. More than 650 pieces are on display, embracing all aspects of the Lalique creativity : designs, jewellery and items of glassware and crystal ware.

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